In the face of shrinking budgets, the public sector is required to do more with less. Public Private Partnerships (P3) allow the government to tap into the private sector’s best practices as well as additional capital sources. We assist the public-sector extract unseen/hidden value from their underutilized assets, revitalize infrastructure, generate revenue, drive efficiency, and create jobs.
Concourse has been a leader in real estate consulting having worked on over 60 billion worth of real estate projects since inception. Our services include asset management, financial analysis, market analysis, portfolio restructuring, due diligence, entitlement support, and fee development. Our consulting projects have ranged from a $1 billion, multi-year P3 real estate project in Hawaii to $1 million affordable housing development in a small town.
Concourse provides P3 advisory support to energy and utility projects designed to reduce costs and recapitalize our client’s infrastructure. We are typically engaged to conduct detailed analyses to identify the optimal energy/utility P3 opportunity, manage the competitive procurement process, and protect the interest of our public-sector clients throughout the P3 energy/utility lifecycle.
Concourse has provided Program Management services to its Federal clients including the DoD and the FBI since 2001 with an emphasis on managing P3, planning, and asset management programs.
Concourse and its staff have overseen over $16 billion of financing for P3 projects nationwide. As A P3 financial advisor, Concourse assists with a wide range of services to support P3 projects financed from a range our sources such as issuance of bonds, tax credits, conventional bank loans, grants, and other creative financing sources.
Concourse’s staff economists use a structured methodology, creating detailed economic reports to help clients solve problems of choice. Comparing alternatives by examining both financial and non-financial, mission and business impacts, risks, and sensitivities, Concourse clients are able to clearly see which choice, among many, is most beneficial.
Concourse provides planning support and master plan implementation. Concourse is assisting MIT Lincoln Laboratory (MIT LL) in completing a facility Master Plan to create a more detailed vision for the physical future of the 2.2 million square foot MIT Lincoln Laboratory; and identify and shape a long-term, executable real estate and facility vision for the MIT Lincoln Laboratory campus.
Contact Us!
(410) 267-6064
2553 Housley Rd., Suite 100, Annapolis, MD 21401
©2020 by The Concourse Group, LLC.